Don't get scammed by untrustworthy roofing contractors

How To Spot a Roofing Scam From a Mile Away!

January 22, 202531 min read

Introduction - Homeowners Beware

The roofing industry is notorious for scammers. Did you know in the home services industry, roof-related projects are the most commonly mentioned projects in a lot of scam reports? That is why I am creating this post/guide, so you don't get scammed by a roofing contractor while looking for a good roofer for your next project.

In this guide I will show you all the ways a shady roofer might try to scam you. This guide is always being updated because these roofing scammers are always finding new ways to scam homeowners. This guide is long and exhausting, but I promise after reading it, you will be well prepared to be able to spot a scam roofer from a mile away!

This guide will be split into two sections.

The first section will show you the different ways or styles untrustworthy roofers can come and try to scam you. The second section will show you what signs or red flags to look out for to see if a roofer is trying to scam you.

Now, let's jump right in.

How do you tell if a roofer is scamming you?

Different Ways Untrustworthy or Shady Roofers Scam You

Roofing contractors have many different tactics up their sleeves in order to make you fall for their scams. A lot of these scam tactics at first might seem harmless, but will later come to hurt you. You, as the homeowner must be aware of all their tactics so you don't fall for them ever. Here I present you all the slimy and disgusting tactics scam roofers use to try to screw homeowners over. After reading this section, have a bag or your toilet nearby, because this might just make you throw up!

Non Local or Out of State Roofers - Simply Don't Trust Them

There are a group of roofing contractors that do not set a physical office to operate their business and dedicate themselves instead into becoming roofing nomads. These roofing nomads go from state to state, or town to town, trying to sell homeowners on roofing services. Now, I'm not gonna say that all roofing nomads are scammers or bad roofers. But! It is much, much, much more easier to screw over a homeowner when you don't have an office a homeowner can walk into to complain, or have to show your face to them ever again after scamming them.

And this is what usually happens. An out of state roofing contractor comes and scams a homeowner and then they disappear. Nowhere to be found. If a roofer is non-local, there is no way to track anything back to that roofer. Like this these non-local roofing contractors can scam you and then get away with it. They will do stuff like take your deposit and disappear, promise you great warranty and high quality work but will not be there when something goes wrong, and all the other stuff you will see throughout this guide.

By the way, these non-local roofers will never tell you they are non-local because they know once they tell you that, you probably won't trust them. As a matter of fact, they will try to deceive you into thinking they're local. They will say stuff like "we just did your neighbors home" or "we been working in your city for a while". And some scam roofer will go further and lie that they are local and give you false or fake information about their business name, location, and credentials (reviews, work projects, etc.).They will show you a website, paperwork, and other stuff to make it seem like they're from around.

So make sure you really research roofers deep. Make sure you visit their office physical location and confirm they have roofers working in your area.

By the way, these non-local roofing contractors usually go to areas where there are a lot of storms or harsh weather conditions, like places where there is a lot of hail, rain, and/or harsh winds. They call these types of roofers storm chasers, because they literally chase after storms. So, if you get door knocks from roofers right after a storm or harsh weather condition hit, be weary.

Lying About Their Business Name, Reviews, and Credentials

Storm chasers or non-local roofers are not the only ones who will lie about their business information. Any illegitimate roofer can do this, whether local or non-local.

Trust is a big thing when doing something as expensive and important as your roof. And, a lot of roofing contractors don't have the experience, reviews, or licenses/insurance to do great work or gain your trust. But, instead of them being honest about it upfront, they go and steal other business identities so they can gain your trust.

Usually what will happen is they will tell you they are from a roofing business that is big and reputable and they will like to give you a quote. They might show you their website, papers or a business card with the logo of the business, or whatever they have in order to make you believe they operate for the legitimate and professional business. They will tell you that all the reviews, licenses, insurances, warranties, and so forth of this business is theirs. They are basically establishing themselves as local, experienced, and highly reputable roofers by stealing other roofing companies identification.

Once they have your trust, they can sell you roofing services easily because you think they are legitimate and professionals. After they sell you on all the stuff they promise, they can do things like take your deposit and disappear, promise good work but do bad work instead, promise you solid warranty (which is fake), and other great stuff. But all these promises will fall short because you did business with some random people, and not the business they represented. Then one day, when the scam roofing contractors disappear, or your roof fails, you will try to call the roofing business they represented and they will tell you "What? We never came to your home...".

Just imagine how that will make you feel? Don't let that happen to you...

Changing Their Business Name

This scam method is similar to the above section, but instead of lying about their business name, they just change it. And the ones that are doing it are shady local roofing businesses. Local roofing businesses that are bad often change their business name in order to erase all past negative reputation and warranties they have promised. They usually are in business a few years, like 2-5 years or more (right before the roofs they did with a promised warranty start breaking down), and then suddenly change their name. Once they change their name, all warranties and promises go void because they are essentially tied to the last business name. So if you did business with "Awesome Roofers", but they are now called "extraordinary Roofers", all warranties and other promises you have are tied to Awesome roofers, which does not exist anymore. And since they do not exist anymore, your warranties and other promises do not matter anymore.

Changing their business name also gives them the ability to erase all bad reviews and other reputation associations. That's because since they have a new name, they are starting all over. The crazy part is that they will say they been in business for 10+ years, which technically they have when you combine all the time they been in business despite all the name changes they had. But then, you will see like 1 or 2 reviews and wonder "if they been in business for 10+ years, why they have so little reviews?". Well, all their bad reviews and other negative stuff was tied to their last business name. Example: "Awesome Roofers" may have had 1,000 negative reviews on Yelp, BBB, and Google. But now, since they are called "extraordinary Roofers", a new business name, they have no negative reviews. And having no reviews is better than having 1,000 negative reviews.

Pressuring You Into Buying

Any form of extreme pressure should be seen as a major red flag. The main reason shady roofing contractors want to pressure you into buying fast is because they know the minute they leave, you will have more time to do research. And the more research you do, the the more likely you are to find out they are a scam. So be careful with phrases like "If you don't buy now, you will lose on this deal", or "hurry and buy before prices rise up", or "you better buy now or your roof situation will get worse very soon", or "we have left over materials, so we can give you a discount, but only if you buy today", or anything similar to the phrases I just told you. If you ever hear any of these phrases, it is just better to walk away. A legitimate roofer knows this is a big investment and will let you make your decision when you're ready. They may sell you a little, but they won't be there breathing down your neck pressuring you into buying today.

Long Sales Presentation

A lot of roofing companies out there do not have actual roofers working in their company. Instead what they have is an army of salespeople and canvassers who claim to be "professional roofers" ready to sell you on a new roof. These salespeople train and practice consistently so they can get better at "persuading" you. They don't just use high pressure sales tactics, they have an arsenal of deceptive and manipulating tactics up their sleeves to try to make you fall to their deal. In order words, these guys train every day to find better ways to rip you off without getting caught or using your emotions to fall into the deal. So, be very aware.

These salespeople also work on pure commission base or mostly commission base. And because they work on commission, they try to sell you on a roof as high as possible. The worse part is that a lot of the time these people do not sell you on an extreme high quality roof for the price. What usually happens is once they sell you on a roof, they will send the cheapest subcontractors which might or might not do a very well job so they can pocket in more money off your roofing project.

How do you know you're dealing with a roofing sales pro scammer?

Usually, these roofing salespeople will first try to get you to accept a free estimate from them or free evaluation or something so they can get into your door. Once you accept their offer for a free estimate and let them in your home, they will then unravel all their sales tactics on you. On this post I will not get into all the slimy sales tactics these roofer salespeople use, I will save that for another post, but just know that if a "roofing contractor" wants you to sign a contract the same day and they are extremely hesitant on leaving your home when you say "I have to think about it", then know it is very likely one of these salespeople.

Lying About Your Roofing Situation

Some shady roofers in order to get you to buy will lie about your roofing situation. They will tell you "how bad" your roof is and make you worry by saying stuff like "if you don't change your roof soon, your roof will get worse and cost you a lot more than if you would have done it today". They may go as far as even saying that your roof will collapse if you don't do anything today. Some of these roofers may take it to another level and show you fake pics of other roofs and tell you they are yours. They will show you pics of rotten wood, structural damage, and holes on that are not really there. And there are some roofers that will do the unbelievable and can be categorized as some of the worse of the worse (see next paragraph).

Some dishonest roofers claim your roof needs extensive repairs or a complete replacement when only minor work is necessary. They may exaggerate problems or invent issues during an inspection. This type of scam can also go hand in hand with scam number 3, people who use "high pressure sales tactics". These high pressure salespeople just want to make you buy a new roof so they get some a bigger commission. They prey on your ignorance. Don't let them. Get educated and

To avoid falling victim, seek a second opinion from another reputable roofer if you’re unsure. Trustworthy contractors provide photos or clear evidence to explain why repairs are needed.

In this scam, the roofing contractor first gives you a really cheap quote to win your business. Then, if you accept, once they start working on your home they come up with all these things to increase your bill. Usually they do this once they have done a significant amount of work on your home so you will feel obligated to since they have already done most of your roof.

Some dishonest roofers provide an initial low quote to win your business but later increase their prices. They might claim unexpected issues arose or materials became more expensive. Prevent this by insisting on a detailed, written estimate that outlines all costs upfront. Reputable roofers honor their quotes unless significant, documented changes occur.

Purposely Damaging (Vandalizing) Your Roof

Some roofers are so bad that they will actually create damage on your roof so they can sell your roofing services. This will usually happen if you give them the permission to get on your roof when you're not there. But some sneaky roofers will still do it even if you're around but not really there the moment they create damage. Most homeowners are not gonna get on top of the roof with a roofer. But if you're serious about not getting scammed, make sure you are present when roofers are doing inspections. And watch them closely to see how they do things.

Scare Tactics or Threats

Another way shady roofers try to scam you is by making you feel scared or worried about consequences that will not really happen. I call these "scare tactics" because they are just meant to scare you into choosing them over another roofer or scare you into agreeing into a certain price. Here is a list of scare tactics shady roofers might use to try to scare you:

  • Saying they will sue you because you signed some document saying you will choose them.

  • Saying you must pay a percentage of the roofing cost or a fee if you decide not to choose them as your roofing contractors or back out of a deal.

  • Telling you that if you don't do your roof soon, it will collapse and then you'll have to pay more than you had to.

A roofer may use a fake form/document, or might use the wording of a current form/document (like your insurance claim) and use it to threaten you. Example of wording on a document might sound something like "I will use xyz as my contractor when using this insurance claim". But that wording does not mean it is an obligation to choose that contractor. But shady roofers will make it seem like so. Do not fall for them. So far I don't think there is any form or document out there that obligates you to "have to" choose a certain roofing contractor if you sign it.

Ghosting or Disappearing

A lot of illegitimate roofers do what's called "ghosting". Ghosting basically is when a roofer stops answering your calls or messages and completely "disappears". Illegitimate roofers do this usually immediately after they received some form of payment from the homeowner. But they can do this at almost any stage of the roofing project.

Roofers may begin a roofing project and then ghost homeowners right in the middle of the project. In this situation, a roofer has begun the work and somewhere throughout the project the roofer do something like tell the homeowner "ok Joe, we have done half of the wok so far... can you please send us the rest of the money to complete it". After the homeowner sends the money, the roofer then abandons the workplace and does not finish the job. The homeowner is then stuck with a half completed roofing job and all his money spent.

Roofers may also ghost homeowners after completing a job. The reason a roofer will do this to a homeowner is to not follow through with any warranties, deal with complaints about bad roof work, or any other complaints or wrongdoings the owner may want to bring up to the roofing company. Usually roofers who are not local are the ones who practice ghosting because they can't be track to a roofing business and they will never see the homeowner ever again.

Hidden or Surprise Fees

Some scammer roofing contractors will lure you in by giving you a really cheap price or good deal. Then, when they are working on your roof or in the end of your roofing project, they will bring up these "surprise" things on your roof that need to be repaired or fixed. If you do not get them fixed, then they won't finish your roof. These surprises will be very likely something like "rotten wood" or "structural damage" because you can't see that kind of stuff until you pull out the top layer of your roof.

And these additional fixes your roof may need may even be true, but these roofing contractors will hide them in order to quote you a cheap price so you can choose them over the other roofing contractors. I'm sure you would rather know what the real deal will be up front vs having to later be surprised with all these additional charges. Then, once you choose them, you won't have any other choice then to pay up, unless you want to drop the entire project, lose your initial investment, and look for another roofer that will pick up where your last roofer left off. Something that will require additional time, money, and headaches.

These expenses are not cheap. Illegitimate roofers can charge you anywhere from 5000 - 15,000 or more to cover the real price of their work. A lot of the times they will charge you even more if they think they can get away with it. If these shady roofers are intentionally surprising you with these mystery repairs or fees, then you know they are capable of trying to rip you off in other ways.

Now, I will say that there can be surprise situations where the roofer will find things he/she may need to charge you for. Sometimes you can't find everything that needs to be done off the first look or inspection. A lot of things could be hard to spot or even impossible to spot until you open the entire roof and see what is under. A legitimate roofer will tell you beforehand that they will let you know if they find something and will usually let you know it will not go over a certain price. They will say something like, "here is the price, but if we ever find something while working, we will let you know and it can be anywhere from $500 - $3000".

Fake Digital Marketing

Some fake roofing companies create highly professional-looking websites or ads to lure homeowners. They may impersonate well-known local companies or invent fake ones, offering unusually low prices. When you contact them, they either demand upfront payment or send unqualified workers who perform substandard work. Always cross-check a company’s credentials and reviews across multiple platforms to confirm their legitimacy.

Unfinished Work

Yeah, by the name you already know what these roofing contractors will do. First they will trick you as being "legit" roofing contractors. Then, they will come and start doing the work initially. They will ask for a few payments along the way as they do work. Once they feel like they received enough payment, they will disappear and take all the stuff they brought with them. These guys were very likely out of state, unlicensed, uninsured, or not even roofing contractors at all. So, never just trust anyone what they say. Always research, verify, double check, triple check, quadruple check...

Bad Roofing Work

There are roofing companies that will just do bad work and not care. They usually hire sub-contractors or workers that are not experienced to do the roofing job. And this leads to problems down the future for you.

The worst part is that they may promise you great warranty, materials, and work, but just end up doing the opposite. They depend on you, the homeowner, to never check out the materials being used, workers they hired, or how the job was done.

Then, after a few years when your roof breaks down again or needs a repair, their business will have probably changed their name and you won't be able to use their warranty or ruin their reputation. They promise you a 40 year roof and ended up getting a 5 year, 2 year, or even 1 year roof instead.

Material Swapping

Some contractors quote premium materials but use cheaper alternatives without your knowledge. So basically they are charging you for a high quality roof but giving you a cheap roof in exchange. Always, always, always make sure to inspect the materials as soon as they arrive. A legit roofing contractor wouldn't mind showing you all the stuff they are doing because they have nothing to hide. If you ever feel like the roofing contractor you are questioning is hesitant about showing you anything, like prices, insurance, licenses, etc. Just ditch them. They are not worth it.

Unregistered Subcontractors

A roofer might hire unlicensed or untrained subcontractors to save money while still charging premium rates. This can result in poor-quality work and potential liability issues for you. In a situation where a roofing business decides to not pay these subcontractors, which happens often, these subcontractors may come to you for payment. If you don't pay them, these sub-contractors can then put a lien on your home.

How do you tell if a roofer is scamming you?

Scam or Untrustworthy Roofer Red Flags or Signs To Watch Out For...

This following section will show you the red flags you should look out for to see if a roofer is being illegitimate. If you ever see any of the following red flags, just walk away or better, RUN!

Free Estimate Won't Hurt You, Right?

Almost all roofing contractors out there are willing to give you a free estimates now in days. And not every roofer that offers a free estimate or evaluation is a scammer. But I can almost guarantee that EVERY scamming roofing contractor offers a free estimate. So, just because roofer is willing to give you a free estimate does not mean they have good intentions. Now, the real question is, how can you tell if the person giving you an estimate has good intentions or not? That is pretty hard to determine since scammers and legit roofers alike will sound genuine when offering a free estimate. The best way to figure out if there being genuine is to closely see the reason why they're giving you a free estimate. If you asked for it, then there is nothing much you can do then find out if they are legit or not when they come. But if they come and knock on your door, call you, or message you, then see what exactly is the reason why they want to give you a free estimate. If they say anything like "your roof looks old, you might need a new one soon", or "when is the last time you checked for leaks, how do you know it's not leaking" or "we just going around the neighborhood giving free estimate for when you're ready to do the work", then be extremely weary. Real legit roofers are there to educate you first before giving you an estimate. Shady roofers just want to jump straight to give you an estimate. Also, If a "roofer" keeps insisting you a free estimate even after you said "no", then it is a 100% red flag and you should just stop talking to them.

"Hey, We Just Finished (Or Are Working On) Doing Your Neighbors Roof"

If a roofer comes by saying stuff like "we're just finished one of your neighbors roof down the street" or "we're working on one of your neighbors roof and came to check yours out to see if you needed work", be cautious. These are all just ways for sneaky scammer roofers to get to give you a "free estimate" which is very likely just a long-winded high pressure sales presentation. Scammers will say anything to get in your home.

Trying to Give You The Best Deal or Cheapest Estimate

If a roofer givers you an estimate that is too good to be true, just don't do it. Things that are extremely cheap always come with some tradeoff. That tradeoff can be subpar work, cheap materials that make your roof break down or get a leak sooner than you think, and other risks that can end up haunting you in the long run. Some roofers will probably lure you in with a cheap estimate only to raise up their prices later on with "surprise roof repairs or damage".

No professional roofer with licenses, insurances, and warranties, will try to haggle you on giving you the cheapest price. Because if they did, they will probably literally be working for free. And who wants to work on an intensive labor job like roofing for free?

The worst thing that can happen with these very low roofing deals is that these roofers are very likely not licensed, insured, or bonded. If a roofer gets hurt on your property and these roofers are not insured, guess who's paying for the medical expenses? And these medical expenses can cost you way more than paying for a roof.

Extreme High Estimates

On the other hand, you have shady roofers that bid you really, really, really high. These roofers, which are actually more likely to be salespeople, bid you really high on a roof so they can pocket in more commission for themselves. They will usually start bidding at a really ridiculously high price and then bring it down slowly until you cave into their "amazing deal". These "roofers" will try scaring you into saying that the other roofer with cheaper bids are trying to screw you over and that if you go with them, you will end up losing in the end. They will also claim their roofing company does the best roofing work with the best warranties and other credentials. Don't fall for this. Most of these roofing sales business are not really the best, don't actually have real roofers in their business even though they claim to be real roofers (they hire subcontractors to do the roofing work), often change their business names to erase all negative reviews and void all warranties and other promises, sell you roofs that are way too high.

Trying to Make You Sign ANY Document

If a roofer keeps insisting in making you sign something during or after giving you an estimate, be very weary. This document can be something like letting them handle your homeowner insurance claim. This document can even be a fake document stating that if you don't work with them, they will sue you. But this is just a scare tactic. Either way, just be careful what you sign. Always make sure you know what you're getting into. And if that roofer keeps insisting on having to sign something or can't clearly tell you what a certain document or form is about, just walk away, or better, kick them out of your home.

"Free" Upgrades

There are many roofers that will "do you a solid" by offering you a free upgrade. A free upgrade may be something like giving you better shingles than the one they charged you for. A lot of the times this is a lie. They will still use cheap materials but try to convince you to choose them because they are giving you a "free upgrade". And they know they can get away with it because you probably will never really check our the shingle they install to see if they are the high quality ones they claimed. Anything free should be a red flag. Rarely, if ever, does a legitimate roofer give out stuff like free upgrades.

Pay deductible

These are roofers who claim they can "waive" your insurance deductible . While it might seem like a good deal, this practice is illegal in many states and could jeopardize your insurance claim. Also, these roofing contractors are usually looking to take all your insurance claim, so they will probably make stuff up in order to do so. You might have just needed a roof repair job, but these roofers will sell you on a roof replacement to take all your insurance claim money.

Always choose roofers who follow proper billing practices and are upfront about costs. Additionally, be cautious if a roofer asks you to sign an Assignment of Benefits (AOB) without a clear explanation. This document could give them control over your insurance claim, so it’s important to understand what you’re agreeing to.

Unlicensed or Uninsured and unbonded Roofing Contractors

If a roofer is unlicensed or uninsured, how can you expect them to do professional work?

When a roofer has a license, it means they went to get training to make sure their work is done the right way. For you this means your roof will be installed correctly and therefore last a long time. Also, a licensed roofer in your state means they do things by code/regulations, and that means that any stuff like warranties or insurance claims can be validated because these things have to be done a certain way to they can be used. If your roofer didn't do things by code/regulation, warranties or insurance claims will deny your claim.

Insurance protects you from being sued and having to pay for stuff that wasn't your fault. If stuff ever gets damaged on your property by your roofing contractor, you will have to pay for it. If a roofer contractor that does not have worker compensation insurance gets hurt, they can sue you because it happened in your property. If a contractor does not have a surety bond, they can get away by not doing the work they promised and they won't need to suffer any consequences. So make sure they are licensed (from your State), insured, and bonded.

Some states don't require any licenses. If that is so, look for one that has some type of good credentials like a contractor license that puts their reputation and their pride up there.

Also make sure to verify all these things (license, insurance, and bond).

Secure Materials

Be cautious of contractors who ask for a large upfront deposit to "secure materials" or to "make sure you are the on that is legit" but then vanish after receiving payment. These roofing contractors will ask for like 40-70% or more of the deposit upfront. To protect yourself, make sure the roofing business is local, has been around for a while, and has reviews/refences that are verifiable. Also check their license number and stuff like their BBB rating, Facebook page, and Google Listing profile.

Additionally, never pay the full amount upfront. Limit deposits to a reasonable percentage of the total project cost, typically around 10-20%. Additionally, request that materials be delivered to your property. This way, if the contractor fails to complete the job or disappears, you’ll still have the materials and can hire another legitimate roofer without incurring extra material costs.

Ensure that payment schedules are tied to specific project milestones and clearly outlined in a written contract. This structure ensures you only pay for work as it’s completed. Before providing any payment, verify the contractor’s credentials, reviews (make sure they are real), and track record. Reputable contractors will have no problem adhering to these terms and will prioritize your peace of mind.

Code Violation

Dishonest contractors may claim that your roof is not up to code and requires immediate upgrades or repairs. They might fabricate code violations to pressure you into unnecessary work. Before proceeding, research your local building codes or consult a reputable roofing professional to verify these claims.

Fake Emergency Repairs

Scammers may claim that your roof requires "emergency" repairs and pressure you to act immediately. They use scare tactics, such as saying your roof is in danger of collapsing or that water damage will worsen dramatically. Always ask for a thorough explanation and evidence of the problem. Seek a second opinion if you’re unsure, even in emergencies.

"Free Roof" Claim

Anything that is free or too good to be true should already be red flags for you. Roofing contractors who claim free roofs probably want to take all your insurance money and give you whatever deal they can, which will probably be some subpar roof work with no warranty, cheap roofing materials, and anything like that. These people just looking to take whatever insurance money you have, even if you just have a little.

Warranty Voiding Claims

Some scammers falsely claim that your current roof warranty is void, urging you to pay for a new roof or extensive repairs. They may use scare tactics or cite non-existent regulations. Always verify warranty status directly with the manufacturer or a reputable roofer before making decisions. A legitimate contractor will help you understand your warranty terms without pressuring you into unnecessary work.

Knock On Door After a Storm... (I Wonder Who Could It Be?)

This is one of the most common situations where a untrustworthy roofer comes to knock on your door right after a storm just happened. This of course happens mostly in areas where there is a lot of hail or severe weather conditions. Now, not all roofers who are storm chasers are trying to scam, but for sure storms do attract a lot of scammers. After a storm these people go door-to-door offering to inspect your home to see if the storm has caused any damage. Once you let them take a look at your roof, almost always these guys will say your roof has been damaged and you must replace it. There have been cases where these storm chasers have even made up the damage themselves in order to secure the job. They will use high pressure sales tactics to pressure you to sign a contract quickly.

"Leftover Materials" Claim

A roofer may knock on your door and claim they have leftover materials from a nearby job and can offer you a great deal. While this might sound cost-effective (another good to be true claim), reputable roofers don’t carry significant leftover materials, and this is often a way to cut corners. These contractors may do subpar work or disappear before finishing the job. Always avoid too good to be true claim, because almost always, it's just a another way to screw you over.

Cash-Only Claim

Some roofers insist on cash payments only, and that if you do it they will give you a discount or give you something more if you do so. While not always a scam, cash payments leave no paper trail, making it difficult to hold them accountable if problems arise. Legitimate contractors typically accept multiple payment methods, including checks and credit cards. Always request a detailed receipt for any payment you make, whether cash, card, check, or whatever.

Overpriced Emergency Repairs

In time of emergencies, like when your roof has a really bad leak, certain roofers will try to take advantage of your worry and trick you into something. They will probably use high pressure tactics to scare you and make you pay much more than what you need to. They might say something like "if you don't get this repaired tomorrow, your whole roof can end up collapsing", or something related to that. In times of emergency, be quick to get several roofing estimates but not quick on believing all roofers. Still take the time to research, verify, and double check each roofer that you check out and comes to give you an estimate.

Fake Emergency Repairs

Similar to the top point "overpriced emergency repairs", in this situation scammer may claim you have an emergency like your roof unseen or hidden damage when you really don't. They try to create fear and worry in you so you act immediately and choose them to do the work. They will probably charge you a ridiculously high price for it. Or they may even charge you a low price and almost do nothing of work because there was never any work to begin with.

Always ask for a thorough explanation and evidence of the problem. Seek a second opinion if you’re unsure, even in emergencies.


As you can see, there are many type of roofing scams you need to be aware of. Remember, the roofing industry is one of the most targeted industry when it comes to scams. So be sure to read through this post whenever you are making a roofing purchase.

Now, the next post I am going to give you a step by step guide on how to choose the right roofer. So, stay tuned for that here: coming soon.

Ex roofing salesperson on a mission on helping you find real legitimate and hardworking roofers.

William Sanchez

Ex roofing salesperson on a mission on helping you find real legitimate and hardworking roofers.

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