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Connecting homeowners to real roofing professionals


(1) Who exactly is LA Roofing Pros and why use LA Roofing Pros?

LA Roofing Professionals was specifically designed to connect homeowners with legitimate professional roofing contractors. The main purpose of this website is to help homeowners avoid the worry and frustration that comes with trying to find good, honest, and professional roofing contractors.

A lot of contractors out there lie, overprice their work, and/or do a really bad job. And they are good at tricking

Are you worried or tired of getting ripped off or scammed by contractors? Many contractors out there are looking just to make a quick buck and not care about the clients home. With LA Roofing Roofing Professionals, we connect you with the best Roofing Contractors in LA. Roofing contractors that are trustworthy, professional, and do amazing work!

(2) How do you choose/vet the contractors you connect with your clients?

All roofing contractors we connect you with have to go through a filtering process to make sure they are legitimate and professional roofing contractors. We make sure roofing contractors we connect you with should gave the following: good reviews, more than 2+ years experience, contractors license, insurance, solid warranty, proof of great work.

We also ask our clients about their experience with the roofing contractors we recommended. If we get consistent bad reviews about a roofing contractor we recommend, we immediately take them off our list.

Here are the questions we ask roofing contractors to see if they qualify for our list: Questions we ask roofing Questions We Ask Roofing Companies to See If They Really Are Legit and Professional.

(3) Is my information safe on this website?

This website only uses your information to connect with real legitimate contractors. Your information is never sold or given to other businesses.

(4) How many roofing contractors you give away my information to?

(5) How many roofing contractors you give away my information to?

We give your information only to one contractor. After you we send you the information of the contractor, we connected you with (based off how you answered the questions we asked about your roofing project). You can get estimates from more roofing contractors by entering your zip code and then answering the 10 questions again. If you do, since we will have your information on our database, we will know if we have to send you different roofing contractor. We suggest getting 3 estimates from roofing contractors before doing your next roofing project. Whether you get the roofing contractors through this website or another place, it’s up to you,

We never give/sell away your information to other roofing companies or lead selling websites/businesses.

(6) When will a roofing professional contractor be in touch with me?

After you answer a few of our questions, you should receive a series of emails explaining to you what is going to happen next. Typically, it should take around a week or so to get your first professional roofing contractor to contact you, especially if your roofing project/job is urgent. If no roofing contractors are available, we will let you know.

(7) Do you make money off this website?

Yes, we make money off this website. This is a service website where we connect you to real and legitimate roofing professionals. We don’t make money off of you, but we do make money off the roofing businesses we give your information to. And we will never give your information to a scammy, rip off, and/or unprofessional roofing business. It is good that a business pays for your information, so they take you as a customer more serious.

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